Tad A. Jameyfield


Where We Go From Here...Website Layouts

A blog entery about my views

on the organization, quality, creativity,

and overall navigation of websites.

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Strike!...We Got Something Here

A blog entry summarizing my

views on an observation essay

about a bowling alley.

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Group Progress...

The group project is taking off and I am somewhat uneasy about this. The queasy feeling I am experience is one that is related to the topic of a punctuation mark. I'm not sure we can talk for 10 minutes about a colon, but I am sure I can come up with creative suggestions for my group to make the presentation longer and more interesting.

The project is moving along quite fast. Each member comes to the table with something rather than have subsided work piece on one person. I like that about our group: that we can throw out suggestions and have them be vague or sometimes even incongruent, but we discuss those undefined qualities to get to solid factuality. 

I am managing the function of the colon (grammar, not bodily) and am bring all the information I printed off to class tomorrow. I'll discuss the whys and whats of the colon (grammar) and where to properly put that punctuation mark in a sentence. I am excited to get creative with the project. I wont get into full detail, but I want to involve the class in the presentation as much as possible. If this is going to be a successful learning presentation, the class must be as vocal as the presentation. One can't solely take in information and expect to spit it out the same way the information went in. One has to apply the knowledge in order for a successful learning to take place.

Tomorrow in class wel will discuss the order, what the presentation will flow like, and what to wear to the presentation. It will be a group effort and I will see it that everyone has an equal idea and say in the presentation. So far, so good.  


I felt the bowling final ethnography was actually very organized. The piece creatively refelcted the experience one might feel when enjoying a night at the alley. The flow was almost like a thought process that the person felt at the exact same time.    

As far as the organization of all the main components of the ethnography, they all fell into place throughout random, yet sensible times in the piece. After the interviews, short analytical statements were made. This provided a good sense of reality to the people. The place, the alley, was thoroughly described. The very detailed paragraphs exclaiming the sights, smells, sounds, and more gave the reader a vivid description of the place.   The most creative fact to the final ethnography was that it didn't have a definite order. I like that the piece flowed yet the compositional elements were everywhere. The feeling was like thinking about something. You never have a complete thought without several relelvant or irrelevant interjections. I thoroughly enjoyed the piece.